The artwork titled “Carafe, Marthe Bonnard with Her Dog,” created by Pierre Bonnard between 1912 and 1915, is an oil painting on canvas that belongs to the Intimism art movement and falls under the genre painting category. This piece is part of a private collection.
The artwork vividly captures a domestic scene featuring a table set with various objects, including a carafe, dishware, fruit, and utensils, arranged in a seemingly casual manner. Central to the composition is a figure, likely Marthe Bonnard, who appears to be lost in thought with her head resting on her hand. The muted yet warm palette and the soft brushstrokes common to Bonnard’s style evoke a sense of intimacy and tranquility, characteristic of the Intimism movement. The presence of a dog, subtly incorporated into the scene, adds a further layer of personal and serene domesticity to the overall composition.