“Carcass of Meat and Bird of Prey,” created by Francis Bacon in 1980, is an evocative piece rendered in oil and pastel on canvas. This work, belonging to the Expressionism art movement, measures 198 by 147 centimeters and falls under the figurative genre. It is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork vividly depicts a hanging carcass of meat, prominently featured at the center, suspended in a frame-like structure. The carcass, with its visceral and raw appearance, draws immediate attention due to its detailed and somewhat grotesque rendering. Adjacent to the carcass is a bird of prey, which appears to be descending or interacting with the meat, adding a dynamic and somewhat predatory element to the composition. The background is minimalist, with a muted palette that accentuates the drama and intensity of the central figures. The painting’s chiaroscuro effects and stark contrasts resonate with Bacon’s hallmark of exploring themes of mortality, decay, and existential angst. The overall ambiance of the piece reflects a profound psychological depth, characteristic of Bacon’s expressionistic approach.