The artwork titled “Carpenter,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882, originates from The Hague, Netherlands. Executed with pencil on paper, this piece belongs to the Realism art movement and falls under the genre of sketches and studies, exemplifying van Gogh’s early exploration of the everyday laborer’s life through detailed and earnest depiction.
In the artwork, van Gogh portrays a carpenter standing upright, facing the viewer, with a direct and focused gaze. The composition captures the carpenter in work attire, holding essential tools such as a saw and plane, which are characteristic of his trade. The lines and shading in the pencil sketch reveal van Gogh’s meticulous attention to the human form and the nuances of the carpenter’s physique and tools. The simplicity and rawness of the medium underscore the genuineness of the subject matter, reflecting the artist’s commitment to depicting real-life scenes with an unembellished authenticity.