The artwork, titled “Carter Burden (brown),” was created by the renowned artist Andy Warhol in 1977. This piece, which falls under the Pop Art movement, is a portrait that captures the essence of its subject with sharp lines and minimalistic elegance.
“Carter Burden (brown)” features a striking portrait of a man rendered in a monochromatic brown palette. The subject’s face is presented with detailed contour lines and shaded areas that highlight the facial features, particularly the piercing eyes that seem to directly engage the viewer. The artwork is minimalist in its approach, focusing on the expression and persona of the individual. Warhol’s signature style is evident through the stark contrast between the light and dark areas, emphasizing the figure’s form and structure against the plain background. The subject’s attire, consisting of a suit and tie, suggests formality and sophistication. The artwork is signed by Warhol, adding to its authenticity and value.