The artwork named “Caryatid,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1911 in Paris, France, is a pastel drawing on paper. This piece belongs to the Expressionism art movement and falls under the genre of nude painting (nu). Currently, the artwork is housed at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris in Paris, France.
In this pastel drawing, the artwork portrays a nude figure in the form of a caryatid, a sculpted female figure that serves as an architectural support. The figure is depicted in a kneeling position, with arms raised behind the head, possibly suggesting a sense of burden or support. The use of bold, expressive lines and soft shading highlights the curves and musculature of the body, typical of Modigliani’s style. The background is filled with deep, rich blue tones that contrast with the warm flesh tones of the figure, creating a striking and emotive composition.