The artwork titled “Chaim Soutine,” created by Amedeo Modigliani around 1915 in Paris, France, is an oil painting on canvas. This piece is part of the Expressionism art movement and falls under the genre of portraiture.
The artwork portrays a subject with distinctive features, rendered in Modigliani’s signature elongated style. The figure is depicted wearing a hat and a patterned garment, with the artist employing broad, expressive brushstrokes to convey texture and depth. The background consists of abstract and muted tones, contributing to the overall emotive quality of the portrait. The color palette is earthy and subdued, enhancing the introspective nature of the piece. Modigliani’s use of distortion and emphasis on certain facial features creates a sense of individuality and character in the portrait, embodying the essence of Expressionism by emphasizing the emotional experience over realistic representation.