The artwork titled “Chardenal Dictionary,” created by Max Weber in 1908, is a piece rendered with oil on canvas, falling within the Cubism movement and the still life genre. Presently, it resides within a private collection.
This painting exhibits a typical still life composition that includes a jug, four books stacked on top of one another, a piece of fruit, and a cup. The jug’s substantial presence dominates the scene, juxtaposed against the more diminutive elements, creating a sense of balance and solidity. The books, carelessly arranged, add a layer of realism and everyday simplicity. Through the Cubist approach, Weber has abstained from intricate detailing, choosing instead to focus on geometric forms and the interaction between light and shade. The use of a muted color palette with earthy tones emphasizes the practical and somber atmosphere, while the arrangement of objects suggests a moment frozen in time, capturing both the materiality and tranquility inherent to still life compositions.