The artwork, titled “Charles Deering,” was created by the renowned artist John Singer Sargent in 1917. This distinguished piece, rendered in oil on canvas, exemplifies the Impressionist art movement and is categorized within the portrait genre. The artwork, measuring 71.2 x 56.5 cm, is housed in a private collection.
In the artwork, Sargent masterfully captures an elderly man, understood to be Charles Deering, seated in a wicker chair, seemingly enjoying a tranquil moment outdoors. Dressed in a light-colored suit and hat, Deering is depicted in a casual yet dignified pose, his face reflecting a calm and contemplative demeanor. The background reveals a lush, tropical environment with palm trees and scattered coconuts, suggesting a setting of serene repose. Sargent’s brushwork and use of light and shadow create a vivid and dynamic composition, drawing the viewer’s eye to the intricate interplay of natural light and the subject’s relaxed posture. Despite the apparent casualness of the scene, there is an undercurrent of sophistication, indicative of both the sitter’s and the artist’s esteemed roles in their respective fields.