The artwork titled “Child Eating Cherries,” created by Pierre Bonnard in 1895, is an oil painting on canvas belonging to the Post-Impressionist movement. It is a genre painting measuring 52 by 53 centimeters and is currently held in a private collection.
The painting portrays a tender moment between a mother and her child, focusing on the simplicity and intimacy of daily life. The child’s face is animated with the pleasure of enjoying cherries, while the mother, depicted with a gentle smile, observes lovingly. The color palette, characterized by warm and soft hues, enhances the affectionate and serene atmosphere of the domestic scene. The background exhibits subtle patterns and textures, typical of Bonnard’s style, which lend depth and context to the intimate moment. The brushwork is loose yet deliberate, imbuing the piece with a sense of spontaneity and liveliness.