The artwork, titled “Children Playing Parlor Croquet (sketch),” is an oil on canvas piece created around 1888 by the artist William Merritt Chase. It is associated with the Impressionism art movement and falls under the genre of genre painting. The artwork is currently part of a private collection.
In this depiction, two young children engage in a game of croquet within an indoor setting. The scene is captured with a soft yet vibrant color palette, characteristic of Impressionist techniques, and the details convey a sense of playfulness and domestic intimacy. The children are dressed in white, their figures contrasting starkly against a richly hued red carpet. The background features a cabinet adorned with decorative plates and a framed picture on the wall, adding depth and context to this charming domestic vignette. The overall mood is one of casual elegance, with the artist’s brushstrokes imbuing the scene with a lively and dynamic quality.