“Children’s Labyrinth,” created by Saul Steinberg in 1954, is an artwork that resides within the dual realms of Expressionism and Surrealism. This installation piece offers a playful and imaginative landscape, rendered through Steinberg’s distinctive line work.
The artwork presents a whimsical composition, etched onto an expansive wall in a free-hand style. It portrays an abstract, dream-like scene, evoking elements of a children’s fantasy world. On the left side, the viewer can observe a stylized tree and what resembles a sequence of arches, suggesting an entrance or pathway. Towards the center and right side, various structures, possibly representing houses and a larger classical building, emerge from the simplified, almost childlike drawing. Scattered elements, such as winding pathways and peculiar shapes, promulgate a sense of exploration and wonder. The minimalistic, yet eloquent line work creates a narrative that invites viewers to ponder and interpret the imaginary journey.