“Chimera,” created by Gustave Moreau around 1884, is a watercolor painting that exemplifies the Symbolism art movement. As a mythological painting, it portrays fantastical and allegorical themes, embodying the dreamlike aesthetics characteristic of the period. The artwork is housed in the Musée National Gustave Moreau located in Paris, France.
In the artwork, Moreau employs a rich palette to conjure a mystical scene. A blend of blues dominates the background, evoking a twilight or dawn setting, with the sun poised on the horizon. Central to the composition is an ethereal figure, seemingly suspended mid-air, clutching an enigmatic entity adorned with wings and vivid colors. The intertwined figures appear to be engaged in an enigmatic interaction, further heightened by the serpentine form coiling around them. The intricate details and vivid hues work together to create an otherworldly atmosphere, inviting viewers to delve into the mythological and symbolic depths of the painting.