Created by Albrecht Dürer in 1506, the artwork “Christ as the Man of Sorrows” is an example of the Northern Renaissance movement and serves as a sketch and study. This piece is held in the collection of the Bibliotheque nationale de France (BnF) in Paris, France.
The image presents a detailed sketch in black and white depicting a Christ child with a notable contrapposto pose, sitting with his body turned slightly to the side while his head faces the viewer. He holds a band of twisted thorns above his head, alluding to the crown of thorns placed on his head during his passion. The child’s anatomy is rendered with meticulous attention to form and musculature, showcasing Dürer’s skill in human anatomy and his blend of artistic idealism with lifelike detail. The use of chiaroscuro—strong contrasts between light and dark—gives the figure a sculptural quality. The drawing bears the date “1506” and the artist’s unmistakable monogram: a large capital “A” with a smaller “D” nestled inside it, which signifies Dürer’s authorship. The perspective and shading lend depth to the composition, while the child’s intense gaze conveys a solemn and contemplative mood. This study would have been part of Dürer’s preparatory work for a larger, more finished piece, exemplifying the careful planning and intricate design characteristic of his artistry and the Northern Renaissance approach to art.