“Christina’s World” is an iconic artwork by artist Andrew Wyeth, created in 1948. This piece is remarkable for its use of tempera on panel and stands out as an exemplar of Contemporary Realism within the genre painting category. The artwork measures 81.9 by 121.3 cm and is currently situated at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a woman lying in a vast, open field, her body turned toward a weathered house in the distance, which is situated atop a slight hill. She appears to be gazing at the house, and her position on the ground suggests a sense of longing or contemplation. The landscape is rendered with meticulous detail; the grass is shown in varying shades of golden-brown, while the house and outbuildings are depicted with a muted palette, emphasizing their desolation and distance. The woman is depicted with her back to the viewer, adding to the sense of mystery and isolation in the artwork. Wyeth’s precise brushwork captures the texture of the grass and the stark rural setting, evoking a strong emotional resonance that has made “Christina’s World” one of the most memorable pieces of American art.