The artwork “City Of Arhirit” is a captivating installation by James Turrell, created in 1976 as part of his renowned Ganzfelds series. This piece is emblematic of the Light and Space movement, which focuses on perceptual phenomena and engages with the concepts of presence and materiality.
In the artwork, a striking, intensely red field dominates the viewer’s visual experience. Within this immersive color environment, there emerges a narrow, dark pathway leading to an enigmatic blue doorway. The absence of a visible boundary between the walls, ceiling, and floor in the red domain suggests an infinite space, disorienting the observer and challenging traditional notions of depth and perspective. The blue portal serves as a stark contrast to the enveloping red, drawing the eye and providing a visual respite from the intensity of the surrounding environment. The precise application of light and color in this piece exemplifies Turrell’s mastery in creating spaces that are simultaneously abstract and experiential, provoking reflection on the nature of human perception.