“Composition 28,” created circa 1930 by Sonia Delaunay, resides within the Orphism art movement and belongs to the genre of design. The artwork prominently features a dynamic interplay of colors and shapes, representing Delaunay’s distinctive approach and stylistic contributions to modern art.
The artwork is enclosed within a black rectangular border. It showcases a series of interlocking, curved shapes in vibrant hues of blue, red, and green. These shapes are set against a background peppered with small, scattered black dots, producing a sense of motion and rhythm. The undulating forms, reminiscent of swirls and waves, flow seamlessly into one another, creating a harmonious yet energetic composition. Delaunay’s mastery of color theory and abstraction is vividly demonstrated in this piece, which encapsulates the essence of Orphism by focusing on geometric forms and vivid color contrasts to convey movement and emotion.