“Composition 7,” created by Sonia Delaunay circa 1930, is an exemplar of the Orphism art movement and falls within the genre of design. The artwork is notable for its characteristic use of color and geometric forms, reflecting the artist’s innovative approach to abstraction.
The artwork presents a grid-like structure composed of square forms arranged in a systematic pattern. Alternating blocks of vibrant red, yellow, and black checkerboard patterns fill the squares. The irregular black grids imposed over some squares add a dynamic texture, disrupting the otherwise orderly pattern. This interplay of color and form embodies the Orphist fascination with color contrasts and rhythm, emphasizing visual harmony and dynamic movement. The structured yet vibrant composition of “Composition 7” showcases Delaunay’s mastery in blending art and design, creating a visually arresting piece that captures the essence of early 20th-century abstract art.