The artwork titled “Composition,” created by Marc Chagall between 1964 and 1965, is a lithographic piece on paper measuring 78 by 57 cm. It falls within the genre of Surrealism and is categorized as a genre painting.
The artwork depicts a fantastical and dreamlike scene characteristic of Surrealism. Dominated by dark, monochromatic shades, it contains various elements with symbolic and potentially narrative undertones. A central figure, seemingly in motion, holds a large scroll or tablet, and is surrounded by an array of smaller, intricate details, including a rooster, a clock, and other figures and animals that blend into the surreal and complex composition. The use of bold, dark lines and a somewhat chaotic arrangement of forms adds to the sense of a dreamlike, otherworldly environment, evoking the enigmatic and imaginative style that Chagall is known for.