“Composition with Goat,” created by Marc Chagall in 1917 in Liozna, near Vitebsk, Belarus, stands as a notable piece within the realm of Cubism. This artwork, utilizing a combination of collage, oil, and cardboard, measures 16.5 by 23.5 centimeters and falls under the genre of animal painting. It resides in a private collection.
In the artwork, Chagall employs his signature eclectic and whimsical style. The composition features a simplified, almost childlike depiction of a goat, prominent against an ochre background. To the right, a starkly contrasting section of vivid blue and black delineates a different spatial dimension. The interplay of these colors, along with the sparse, minimalist elements, creates an intriguing harmony and evokes a quaint, rural scene, characteristic of Chagall’s interpretations of his Eastern European Jewish heritage. The use of collage adds textural depth, inviting viewers to explore the subtle complexity beneath the seemingly naive exterior.