“Concept Spatiale,” created by Lucio Fontana in 1968, is a striking representation of the Spatialism art movement, characterized as an abstract work. The artwork embodies the distinctive style and radical approach of Fontana to space and form, reflecting the core principles of Spatialism.
The artwork presents a minimalist yet evocative aesthetic, featuring a monochromatic surface that is interrupted by a solitary, vertical incision. Encircling the cut is a faintly drawn, asymmetrical shape, serving to highlight the central perforation and reinforcing a sense of spatial exploration and dimensional disruption. The deliberate cut in the material suggests a break from traditional two-dimensional art, inviting viewers to ponder the infinite possibilities beyond the surface. The simplicity and precision of the execution evoke a contemplative atmosphere, demonstrating Fontana’s masterful engagement with space and the physicality of the medium.