The artwork titled “Couple Out for a Stroll,” created by Vincent van Gogh in the year 1887 while he was residing in Paris, France, is a pencil sketch on paper. This piece falls under the Post-Impressionism art movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. Presently, it is housed in the Van Gogh Museum located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork portrays a couple walking together, enveloped in an atmosphere of intimacy and movement. The use of pencil on paper allows for a raw and immediate capture of the scene, with broad, energetic strokes creating a sense of both spontaneity and depth. The background is adorned with tall, loosely sketched flowers, possibly sunflowers, swaying in response to a gentle breeze. These natural elements, combined with the dynamic scribbles that suggest the presence of the sun setting or rising, contribute to an evocative representation of a serene, yet animated stroll in the open air. The overall simplicity and immediacy of the drawing underscore Van Gogh’s ability to convey emotion and scene with minimalistic yet expressive lines.