The artwork titled “Courtiers,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1912, is a representation within the Art Nouveau (Modern) movement, belonging to the design genre. This piece is housed in the Bakhrushin Theater Museum in Moscow, Russia.
The artwork depicts two elaborately dressed courtiers, each adorned in attire rich with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. The figures stand facing each other with an air of formality, suggesting a scene of dignified interaction. The figure on the left is garbed in a dark cloak decorated with bird motifs, complete with a wide-brimmed hat, exuding a sense of stately elegance. The figure on the right is clothed in a more vibrant, floral-patterned garment trimmed with fur, paired with a hat embellished with floral designs, illustrating opulence and a keen attention to detail. The overall composition captures the aesthetic essence of Art Nouveau, characterized by its graceful forms, detailed ornamentation, and the harmonious blend of natural and elegant elements.