The artwork titled “Cross Cut,” created by James Turrell in 1998, is a notable piece within the Light and Space movement. It is part of the “Wedgeworks” series and can be classified under the installation genre, showcasing Turrell’s expertise in manipulating perception through the use of light.
The artwork presents a study in geometric abstraction and luminous intensity, with sharp contrasts and vibrant colors. It features a series of rectangles nested within each other, with the central rectangle in a deep, saturated red, bordered by what appears to be a prismatic spectrum of light, transitioning from red to blue. A pale green outline envelops the entire composition, emphasizing the layered structure and enhancing the depth of the visual experience. The interaction of colors and shapes creates a three-dimensional effect, casting an illusion of depth and space that challenges the viewer to distinguish between the physical and the ethereal. Turrell’s masterful work offers a contemplative space wherein light becomes the medium and the message, inviting a meditative engagement with the fundamental nature of perception.