The artwork titled “CUPO FUOCO,” created by Roberto Ferri in 2016, belongs to the Neo-baroque and Kitsch art movements, and was produced in Italy. This nude painting, measuring 150 x 150 cm, is categorized under the genre of ‘nu.’
In the artwork, a solitary nude male figure is depicted seated on a simple block pedestal. The man’s posture is contemplative, his muscular form bent forward with his right arm raised and hand placed on his head, conveying a sense of introspection or anguish. His left hand cradles a ram’s skull, an object that introduces an element of mortality or symbolism often associated with vanitas themes. The muted color palette of the background accentuates the soft, almost lifelike rendering of the human figure, highlighting the intricate play of light and shadow across the contours of his body. The realistic depiction of musculature and skin tone, combined with the evocative pose, imbues the artwork with a dramatic intensity that is characteristic of the Neo-baroque style.