“Cut with the Kitchen Knife Through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic,” created by Hannah Höch in 1919, is a collage that belongs to the Dada art movement and falls under the figurative genre. This significant artwork is housed at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin in Berlin, Germany.
The artwork is a chaotic and intricate collage, meticulously assembled with various images and text fragments. It incorporates pieces of photographs, newspaper cutouts, and magazine clippings, creating a dense, multi-layered composition. The chaotic arrangement is emblematic of the Dada movement’s anti-establishment and anti-war sentiments. Various human figures, mechanical elements, and text are interwoven throughout the piece, depicting a complex narrative that critiques the sociopolitical climate of the Weimar Republic. This artwork is a prime example of Höch’s skill in utilizing collage to present a powerful, subversive commentary on society.