The artwork titled “Dancer Resting” is a piece created by Diego Rivera in 1939. It is crafted using oil on canvas and belongs to the art movement known as Social Realism. The dimensions of the artwork are 95 by 166 cm, and it falls under the genre of nude painting. This distinguished piece can be found in the Dolores Olmedo Collection located in Mexico City, Mexico.
“Dancer Resting” depicts a nude female figure seated on a wooden chair with her arms relaxed behind her head. The woman is portrayed with a confident and calm demeanor, exuding a sense of natural grace. Her body is illuminated by a warm, rich light that accentuates her muscular structure and brown skin tones. The background is subtly rendered in dark hues, which contrasts with the figure, bringing her into sharp focus. Rivera’s brushstrokes and attention to detail highlight the realistic portrayal of the subject, adhering to the principles of Social Realism in celebrating the ordinary working class and their inherent strength and beauty.