The artwork titled “Daughter of Jacob Meyer” was crafted by the acclaimed artist Vincent van Gogh in 1881 in the Netherlands. Utilizing pencil on paper as his medium, Van Gogh created this piece in the genre of portraiture, aligning with the Realism art movement. Presently, this remarkable artwork is housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum located in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a young woman in profile with an elongated neck and detailed, flowing hair that cascades down her back. Her attire is intricately illustrated, showcasing elaborate patterns and textures, especially on her sleeves and the neckline. The composition captures her serene and reflective expression, suggesting an intimate and personal portrayal. The background consists of subtle, crosshatch shading, creating a minimalistic context which further accentuates the subject. The meticulous use of pencil and the detailed rendering of the fabric and hair reflect Van Gogh’s precision and skill in portraiture during his early artistic phase.