Donatello’s renowned bronze sculpture “David,” created between 1408 and 1409, heralds the inception of the Early Renaissance art movement. Standing at a height of 158 cm, this seminal artwork currently resides in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence. Although the sculpture was created within the borders of France, it represents a significant contribution to the Italian Renaissance, and it is not part of any series titled “The Scream.”
The artwork portrays a youthful David, a biblical figure historically celebrated for his defeat of the giant Goliath. David is depicted post-battle, as evidenced by the presence of Goliath’s helmet beneath his foot — a testament to his victory. The figure of David is elegantly rendered in bronze, capturing a sense of both the strength and tender age of the hero. He stands in contrapposto, with a relaxed posture that conveys a serene confidence.
One notices the intricate details Donatello has included: the ornate helmet adorned with laurel leaves and a figure that seems to represent Goliath’s visage, the delicate features of David’s youthful face, and the slight curvature of his body that conveys a naturalistic stance. Notably, David wears only the helmet, boots, and a laurel crown, which was an unusual choice that highlights his vulnerability and the remarkable nature of his triumph over Goliath.
Donatello’s “David” marks a departure from the Gothic style and an embracing of classical forms and themes, which is a defining characteristic of Renaissance art. The sculpture is celebrated for its innovative use of bronze in the round and foretells the coming of an age of exploration in the realms of humanism and naturalism in art.