The artwork titled “David,” created by Marc Chagall in 1914, originates from Liozna, near Vitebsk, Belarus. Executed in oil on canvas, this painting is a part of the Cubism movement and falls within the portrait genre. It is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork portrays a contemplative figure, characterized by a downward gaze and slightly melancholy expression. The subject, showcasing delicate features and an intricate play of shadows, is rendered in a stylistically Cubist manner, reflecting angular lines and abstract forms typical of the movement. Chagall’s use of rich, deep colors and flowing outlines imbues the composition with a sense of introspection and emotional depth. The figure’s hands, positioned around a stringed instrument, provide a focal point that draws the viewer into the intimate, reflective moment captured in the piece. The somber backdrop accentuates the figure’s solitary presence, enhancing the overall mood of tranquility and contemplation.