The artwork titled “Dejeuner” by Robert Spencer, created in 1930, falls within the Impressionism movement and belongs to the genre of genre painting. This piece captures a moment of casual dining, reflected in its title, which translates to “Lunch” in French. The scene, rendered in Spencer’s distinct style, exhibits the casual and spontaneous brushstrokes characteristic of Impressionism.
In “Dejeuner,” the artist depicts a man and a woman seated on the ground against a muted, textured backdrop. The woman, dressed in a loose blue garment, appears engaged and somewhat weary, drawing attention with her relaxed posture. The man, donning dark, somber clothing, is seated next to her, looking downwards with a pensive demeanor. Scattered around them are a bottle, a book, and other objects, suggesting an informal picnic setting. The overall composition exudes a sense of intimacy and realism, typical of genre paintings of the time.