The artwork titled “Diptych with Christ and the Mater Dolorosa” was created by Hans Holbein the Younger around the year 1520 in Germany. Executed in oil on panel, this religious painting falls within the Northern Renaissance movement and measures 29 by 39 centimeters.
The artwork comprises two panels depicting dramatic and solemn religious scenes. On the left panel, Christ is presented crowned with thorns and seated on a pedestal, conveying a profound sense of suffering and contemplation. The architecture surrounding Christ, characterized by ornate columns and arches, sets a grand yet somber atmospheric tone. The right panel features the Mater Dolorosa, the sorrowful Virgin Mary, who is portrayed in a gesture of mourning. The backdrop mirrors that of Christ’s, with matching architectural structures, contributing to the cohesiveness of the diptych. The muted palette of earthy tones further enhances the emotional gravity and the spiritual intensity of the scenes.