“Disturbing the Fishers,” created by artist James Charles in 1905, is an exemplary artwork from the Impressionism movement, falling within the pastorale genre. The artwork captures a bucolic scene, characterized by its naturalistic depiction and vibrant, light-infused brushwork.
In the artwork, a serene rural setting is laid out, with lush greenery dominating the scene. A stream flows gently through the middle, inhabited by several ducks, adding a sense of tranquility to the environment. On the far side of the stream, a woman dressed in a white dress stands on a rustic wooden bridge, observing the surroundings. Complementing her presence, a male figure, possibly a boy, is positioned close to the stream amidst the tall grasses, carrying a fishing rod and appearing engrossed in his activity. The atmosphere is further enhanced by the overgrown, verdant foliage enveloping the scene, along with the soft blue skies, punctuated with scattered clouds, providing a sense of calm and undisturbed rural life typical of the pastorale genre.