“Do It Yourself (Seascape),” created by Andy Warhol in 1962 in the United States, is an oil painting that aligns with the Pop Art movement. The artwork belongs to the landscape genre.
The artwork depicts a lively and vibrant seascape scene characterized by bold, bright colors and distinctive outlines typical of Warhol’s Pop Art style. It features a waterfront setting, with a yellow house with a green roof prominently situated near the water’s edge. The house is surrounded by boats, painted in shades of red and white, each marked with various numbers and corresponding color-coded areas reminiscent of a paint-by-numbers kit. The sky above is filled with dramatic clouds and seagulls in flight, captured in a manner that exudes both simplicity and a strong graphic quality. The combined elements evoke a sense of both creativity and color-by-number guided structure, making it a fascinating intersection of art and do-it-yourself ethos.