“DOB’s March” is a distinguished piece created by Takashi Murakami in 1995, utilizing acrylic on canvas as the medium. This artwork is a prime example of Neo-Pop Art and Superflat movements, characterized by its figurative genre. The dimensions of the artwork are 70 x 100 cm.
The artwork features a central character set against a flat, gray background. This character is depicted with a striking combination of cartoonish and surreal elements, showcasing Murakami’s distinctive style. The character’s face displays multiple green, elliptical eyes and a wide mouth filled with sharp, white, and red teeth. The inclusion of the blue circular elements above the eyes adds an additional layer of whimsicality and complexity to the piece. The simplicity of the background contrasts sharply with the vivid, intricate details of the character, bringing a significant emphasis to Murakami’s creation and highlighting the influences of the Neo-Pop Art and Superflat movements.