The artwork titled “Dog,” created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1982, is a significant piece within the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements. Rendered in a figurative genre, it measures 193 x 238.8 cm and is currently held in a private collection.
“Dog” showcases Basquiat’s distinctive style characterized by vivid and aggressive brush strokes, and a prominent use of line work that creates an energetic and raw visual impact. The focal point is a menacing figure of a red dog with exaggerated features, such as large teeth and wide eyes, which evoke a sense of primal intensity and vitality. Surrounding the central figure are chaotic elements, including abstract symbols, stars, and celestial motifs, rendered in contrasting hues of white, yellow, and green against a dark background. These elements contribute to a sense of dynamic tension, further amplified by the dripping paint and rough texture that Basquiat employed to convey emotional depth and spontaneity. The artwork exemplifies Basquiat’s exploration of themes such as identity, power, and the human condition through a blend of figurative representation and abstract expression.