The artwork, created by Frank Mason in 1983, is titled “Dr. James Graves, Artist and Educator.” It falls under the Classical Realism art movement and is a portrait genre piece.
In the artwork, Dr. James Graves is depicted seated, exuding a sense of dignity and scholarly presence. He is attired in a robe, reminiscent of classical attire, which is richly textured and captures the folds and shadows with meticulous detail. His contemplative expression is both commanding and benevolent. In his hand, he holds a pair of spectacles, while his other hand rests on an open book, signifying his dual identity as an artist and educator. The background features a subtle, atmospheric landscape with a crescent moon, adding an ethereal quality to the scene. The color palette is a harmonious blend of deep, somber tones with luminant highlights that bring the figure to life, showcasing Mason’s skill in portraiture and classical realism.