The artwork, titled “Drainpipe” and created by El Anatsui in 2010, employs tin and copper as its medium. It belongs to the Junk Art movement and is categorized within the installation genre.
In the given artwork, tin and copper elements have been meticulously assembled to form an expansive installation that spreads across the floor of the exhibition space. The materials are fashioned into long, sinuous shapes that mimic the form of drainpipes, weaving and branching out intricately. The metallic sheen of the tin and copper catches the light, adding a reflective quality to the piece. The structured yet organic layout of the artwork suggests both a sense of movement and the presence of a flowing entity, making it a compelling exploration of industrial and natural forms intertwined. The choice of repurposed materials reflects the ethos of the Junk Art movement, transforming everyday discarded objects into a site-specific, thought-provoking installation.