The artwork titled “Drawing of the uterus of a pregnant cow” is an anatomical sketch created by the illustrious High Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci in 1508, during his time in Milan, Italy. The piece is executed in ink on paper, and falls within the genre of sketch and study, reflecting the period’s deep interest in the human form and natural sciences.
The artwork showcases Leonardo da Vinci’s meticulous study of a cow’s reproductive system. At the top of the sketch, one can observe what appears to be the ovary with a detailed depiction of the follicles. The focus of the drawing lies in the large central section illustrating a cross-section of the uterus with a developing fetus. The intricate lines and careful shading exhibit Leonardo’s extensive study and understanding of the subject matter, combining both artistic skill and scientific inquiry typical of the era. Surrounding the central drawing are copious notes written in mirror script, a peculiar characteristic of Leonardo’s writing, which further demonstrates his methodical approach to documenting his thoughts and observations. The piece not only exemplifies Leonardo’s artistic prowess but also highlights his role as a pioneering figure in the field of anatomy.