The artwork titled “DVA-DVA,” created by the artist Victor Vasarely, was produced between the years 1978 and 1986. This piece, executed using oil, belongs to the Op Art movement and falls within the abstract genre.
The artwork comprises a series of four distinct squares, each containing concentric squares of varying colors and intensities. The upper left section features shades of green, transitioning from a bright center to darker outer edges. In the upper right, vibrant red tones diminish into softer, pastel pinks towards the center. The lower left quadrant showcases a gradient from deep brown to a radiant yellow at its center. Lastly, the lower right section transitions from deep purple to lighter, almost luminescent lavender hues. This meticulous arrangement creates an illusion of depth and movement, characteristic of the Op Art movement, compelling the viewer’s gaze to explore the interplay of colors and forms.