The artwork titled “Edsel B. Ford,” created by Diego Rivera in 1932, is an oil painting on canvas measuring 125.1 by 97.8 centimeters. This piece, belonging to the Social Realism art movement, resides in the Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, Michigan, USA. It is a portrait that underscores Rivera’s commitment to depicting figures of notable influence in society.
In the artwork, the subject, a distinguished gentleman, is depicted with a composed and poised demeanor. He stands behind a table that showcases architectural tools, suggesting his engagement with design and innovation. The background features a sketched outline of an automobile, reflecting the subject’s connection to the automotive industry. The neutral tones of the attire, combined with the skillful use of light and shadow, accentuate the subject’s prominent stature and intellect. The composition elegantly bridges the realms of industry and artistry, emblematic of Rivera’s unique ability to blend social consciousness with artistic expression.