The artwork, titled “Edward Wortley Montagu (1713–1776), MP,” was created by the artist George Romney in the year 1775. This portrait is representative of the Rococo and Romanticism art movements.
The artwork depicts Edward Wortley Montagu in a striking and exotic attire, likely reflecting his travels and interests in the Eastern cultures. He is adorned in a voluminous turban and an opulent, colorful robe cinched with a wide belt, over which a sash is draped. Montagu is posed with a cane in his right hand and his left hand resting on his hip, giving him a commanding and dignified presence. His long beard and intense gaze add a sense of authority and intrigue to the composition. The background is dark and somewhat indistinct, ensuring the focus is entirely on the figure of Montagu. This portrait not only captures the likeness of Montagu but also suggests his adventurous spirit and distinguished character.