The artwork titled “Electric Chair,” created by Andy Warhol in 1971, belongs to the Pop Art movement and falls under the genre of interior.
The artwork consists of six panels, each displaying varied color schemes that impart a unique atmospheric effect to the central subject: an electric chair. The top left panel features a dark, muted coloration showcasing the electric chair in shadowy purples and browns, while the adjacent panel is dominated by vibrant yellows and blues. To its right, a monochromatic scheme is employed, imparting an austere, grayscale appearance. The bottom row presents another arrangement of vivid hues. The first panel on the left is awash in intense reds and oranges, creating a fiery impression. The middle panel presents a dominant pink shade with subtle yellow overlays, and the final panel on the right features a combination of pastel yellows and muted blues. Collectively, these variations highlight the electric chair in a manner that emphasizes both its presence and the emotional resonance stemming from its symbolic significance.