The artwork titled “Elijah Restoring the Widow’s Son” is an oil on canvas painting by Ford Madox Brown, completed in the year 1868. Brown, a significant figure associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and known for his distinct style, has employed the Romanticism movement’s emphases in this religious painting. The piece measures 37 x 24 1/8 inches and is housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Illustrating a biblical narrative, the artwork vividly depicts the prophet Elijah in the act of restoring life to a widow’s son, as indicated by the painting’s title. The scene is characterized by rich, vibrant colors and meticulous attention to detail, hallmarks of Brown’s work. Elijah is seen in flowing, richly hued robes, leaning towards a younger figure who supports him. The intensity of the scene is underscored by the palpable emotions conveyed through the characters’ expressions and postures. The widowed mother is rendered in a state of passionate supplication, her form collapsed in a cascade of drapery that echoes the painting’s overall sense of drama and movement. The inclusion of household details, such as the goose and woven baskets, add a layer of domestic authenticity to the miraculous scene. Brown’s use of color, texture, and composition creates a palpable atmosphere that serves to engage the viewer not just with the event, but with the emotional and spiritual resonance of the depicted miracle.