The artwork, titled “Elodie Martin Balsan,” was created by the artist Alexandre Cabanel. The work is rendered in oil, and it belongs to the Academicism art movement, characterized by a formal, decorative approach to painting, often with an emphasis on realistic representation and idealized beauty. This piece is a portrait, demonstrating Cabanel’s mastery in capturing the likeness and essence of his subject.
In the artwork, a woman is seated against a richly textured and darkly hued background. She is adorned in a formal, black attire with delicate lace trimmings at the sleeves and neckline, which exude an air of elegance and sophistication. Her face, depicted with a serene and composed expression, is framed by brown hair that is styled in a modest yet tasteful fashion, adorned with a hint of a blue ribbon. She holds a fan in her right hand, suggesting refinement and poise, and her left hand rests gently on her lap. The artist’s meticulous attention to detail and adept use of light and shadow contribute to the overall lifelike quality of the portrait, drawing viewers into the period and persona of the subject.