“Elvis I & II” is an iconic artwork created by artist Andy Warhol in 1963. Executed using silkscreen, acrylic, and canvas, the piece is a notable example of the Pop Art movement and falls within the portrait genre. Currently housed at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) in Toronto, Canada, the artwork is celebrated for its innovative use of media and cultural commentary.
The artwork features a dual portrayal of a famous figure, depicted twice on the canvas, with one side rendered in color against a blue background, and the other in monochrome. Each figure is shown in a dynamic pose, pointing a firearm directly at the viewer, the bright red shirt standing out vividly against the backdrop. The left side of the artwork’s use of colorful tones contrasts sharply with the right side’s grayscale depiction, highlighting the artist’s exploration of themes such as celebrity, reproduction, and the commodification of popular imagery.