“Eroica II” is an artwork created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1988, employing a combination of acrylic, crayon, pencil, and linen. The piece belongs to the Neo-Expressionism and Street art movements and is a figurative genre work with dimensions measuring 230 x 225.5 cm. Currently held in a private collection, this art piece exemplifies Basquiat’s distinctive style through its medium and composition.
The artwork features chaotic yet deliberate arrangements of words, symbols, and abstract forms on a predominantly off-white background. Various words and short phrases are inscribed throughout the piece, with some circled or underlined in red, adding emphasis and drawing the viewer’s attention to specific elements. Among the text are simple illustrations of human figures, repeatedly inscribed in sequence, intermixed with abstract marks in red and blue tones. The painting is characterized by its raw and expressive quality, a hallmark of Basquiat’s oeuvre, revealing his talent for combining text and image to provoke thought and emotion.