Et ligaverunt corpus Iesu linteis cum aromatibu (1964) by Salvador Dali

Et ligaverunt corpus Iesu linteis cum aromatibu - Salvador Dali - 1964

Artwork Information

TitleEt ligaverunt corpus Iesu linteis cum aromatibu
ArtistSalvador Dali
Art MovementExpressionism,Symbolism

About Et ligaverunt corpus Iesu linteis cum aromatibu

The artwork titled “Et ligaverunt corpus Iesu linteis cum aromatibus” by Salvador Dali, created in 1964, is a religious painting belonging to “The Biblia Sacra” series. This work embodies elements of Expressionism and Symbolism, movements known for their intense emotional expression and the use of symbols for indirect meanings.

The artwork exhibits a dynamic blend of loose, expressive brushstrokes and splatters that create a visceral impression. The central figure appears to be a shrouded form, suggestive of the body of Jesus being wrapped in linens with spices, as referenced by the title. The subdued palette is punctuated by a vivid accent of red, drawing the viewer’s attention and possibly symbolizing the blood of Christ. Dark patches hover above the form, perhaps indicating the oppressive weight of death or the sins of humanity. Overall, Dali’s interpretation offers a potent combination of abstract representation and symbolic religious elements, evoking a deep contemplation on the themes of death and the sacred.

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