The artwork, titled “Fallen Angel,” was created by Alexandre Cabanel in 1868 using oil on canvas. This piece belongs to the Academicism art movement and is classified as an allegorical painting. Currently, it is housed in a private collection.
The artwork depicts a striking scene of a fallen angel, with a muscular male figure seated on the ground, appearing in a state of sorrow and introspection. His wings, dark and somber, contrast sharply with his luminous skin, accentuating the dramatic nature of his fall. The anguish on his face, combined with the tension in his limbs, conveys a deep sense of torment and loss. Above him, other angelic figures, bathed in light, soar through the sky, emphasizing his isolation. The background, with its subtle variations in color, enhances the ethereal and melancholic atmosphere of the painting. The overall composition, with its meticulous attention to anatomical detail and emotive expression, exemplifies Cabanel’s mastery in blending classical technique with profound allegorical meaning.