The artwork titled “Family,” created by Fernando Botero in 1983, belongs to the art movement known as Naïve Art (Primitivism) and falls under the genre of portraiture.
The artwork features a family scene characterized by the exaggerated and voluminous forms typical of Botero’s style. In the composition, a mother, father, and two children are depicted in a serene and almost idyllic setting. The mother, dressed in a black dress, stands on the left side, holding one child’s hand. The father, seated on a chair to the right, cradles the other child on his lap. The figures are set against a backdrop of trees, contributing to a sense of intimacy and tranquility. The children’s expressions and playful demeanor, with one child playing with a toy vehicle, emphasize the theme of family unity and affection. Botero’s distinctive use of saturated colors and bold, rounded figures imbues the scene with a sense of warmth and affectionate detail.