The artwork titled “Far from Home,” created by William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1874, is an oil painting on canvas. It embodies the Academicism art movement and falls under the genre of portraiture. This remarkable piece resides in a private collection.
The artwork depicts two young girls standing closely together, conveying a sense of vulnerability and mutual support. The older girl, clothed in a blue shawl and modest attire, gently holds and gazes protectively at the younger girl, who looks outward with a melancholic expression. Their bare feet on the rocky ground accentuate their state of displacement, while the muted, somber palette enhances the emotional gravity of the scene. The background features an overcast sky and a turbulent sea, further emphasizing their isolation and distance from home. The meticulous detail, lifelike portrayal, and emotive depth exemplify Bouguereau’s mastery and adherence to the principles of Academicism.